
Industrial Construction










        8)章节编排:正文的章节编排采用三级标题,一般不超过四级。如“1”、“1.1”、“1.1.1”等。之后的分级可用1)、2)……,再下一级用a. b.……。



        b.期刊: 责任者.题名.刊名,,():起止页码。(期刊的合卷的著录使用 “/”,如2002(1/2):21-25








    注:1)文献责任者(包括译者)中多于三人者只需给出前三人,在其后加“等”(英文用“et al),且责任者之间用“,”相隔。2)电子文献当中的出版地和出版者可省略。3)报纸的“题名[N/OL]”中,N表示报纸,OL表示网络。4)访问路径指网址,也即id地址,需按以下方式标注:如http://www.sbbs.com.cn/topic/read.php?cate=2&recid=14779




作者投稿系统 专家审稿系统 编辑办公系统


Guidelines for Authors:


We warmly welcome the scholars and researchers engaged in civil engineering or architecture to contribute their papers. After publication, the remuneration will be paid and free periodical printed that paper will also be mailed. Authors will usually be notified of the results in 3 months, but the contributions will not be returned. Please keep the draft yourself. Duplicate submission is disallowed.


Article submission guidelines:


All submissions should include the following in both English and Chinese: title (up to 15 words), names, affiliation (institution), city, postcode, abstract of 100-200 words, and 3-8 keywords. The abstract should clearly summarize the research objectives, methods, results, and conclusion, and it should be independence and self-evident. Please write in the third person and avoid any quotation in your abstract.

Gender, date of birth, and job title of the authors in Chinese are also required.

Please indicate the approval number if the paper reported the research subject is funded by the national or provincial natural science foundation.

According to the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, the rights of alteration and deleting are possessed. Please indicate if you cannot accept it.

The length of contribution (including figures and tables) should be preferably 5000-6000words. Figures and tables should be numbered in sequence according to the order of citation in the body of the paper, using legal units of measurement (SI system), and marking the corresponding physical quantities and units at the longitude and latitude of the graph both in Chinese and in English are required.

Arrange headings in decreasing—headline (e.g., 1,1.1,1.1.1), second-level heading (e.g., “1”,”2)”), third-level heading (e.g., “a.” ,b.”)—not exceeding 4 levels

References: Number references consecutively throughout the article, using superscript numbers. References should appear in the format given below:

a. Monograph: Author. Title[M]. Editionno description in the first edition. Place of Publication: Publisher, Publication Date. Page Number.

b. Journal: Author. Title[J]. Journal Name, Year, Volume: Page Number. (Using “/” to describe the collection of journal, such as 2002(1/2):21-25)

c. Conferennce Prceeding: Author. Title[C]. Compiler. Name of Collection. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year: Page Number.

d. Dissertation: Author. Title[D]. Maintain of Place: Preserver. Year: Page Number.

e. Internal files can be noted in text instead of being references.

f. Translation: Author. Title[M]. Translator. Place of Publication: Publisher.Year: Page Number.

g. Newspaper: Author. Title[N/OL].the Newspaper Name, Publication Date(Layout)[Year-month-day]

h. Patent Documentation: Patent Applicant. Proprietary Name: Patent Publisher, Patent Number [P]. Notice Date or Publication Date [Year-month-day].Access Path.

i. Electronic Document: Author. Title: other Titles[EB/OL]. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year (Date of Update or Modification) [Year-month-day]. Access Path.

Note: 1) The top 3 authorsincluding translatorsshould be presented , while other authors’ names instead of “et al.”). Authors’ Names should be separated by a comma respectively. 2) Place of Publication and Publisher in Electronic Document can be omitted. 3)N” stand for newspaper, as well as “OL” stands for online. 4) Please mark the Access Path in the following way: http://www.sbbs.com.cn/topic/read.php?cate=2&recid=14779

Please send the articles via email/mail. After the publication of each paper, the remuneration will be paid.

Online Submission System has been introduced by Industrial Construction. Readers and authors are encouraged to view our sites as well as online submission via the websites: http://gyjz.cbpt.cnki.net/

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